Crystalogram uses a novel multi-analyte system using CTCs and WGS.
As the hallmark of a screening method for Multi-Cancer Early Detection (MCED) is achieving a high PPV while maintaining a desirable sensitivity, Crystalogram uses a multi-analyte method in order to obtain this goal.
In that regard, while most methods of cancer screening are based on either imaging or cell-free tumor DNA (ctDNA), Crystalogram uses a highly optimized circulating tumor cell (CTC) system, in conjunction with whole genome sequencing (WGS), a custom-designed hybrid-denovo genome analysis pipeline, and in-silico verification tool.
By addressing many of the inherent issues with traditional CTC and genome analysis, and therefore, by effectively using proteomic and genomic signatures in tandem, Crystalogram is able to provide a clear perspective of the suspect cells, and the related cellular perturbations that are indicative of the underlying targeted cancers.